Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Deception Point Page 61

The chamber looked like a walk-in closet whose ceiling, walls, and floor had been completely covered with foam spires jutting inward from all directions. It reminded Rachel of a cramped underwater cave where stalagmites had run wild, growing off every surface. Most unsettling, however, was the apparent lack of a floor. The floor was a taut, meshed chicken-wire grid strung horizontally across the room like a fishing net, giving the inhabitants the feeling that they were suspended midway up the wall. The mesh was rubberized and stiff beneath the feet. As Rachel gazed down through the webbed flooring, she felt like she was crossing a string bridge suspended over a surrealistic fractalized landscape. Three feet below, a forest of foam needles pointed ominously upward. Instantly upon entering Rachel had sensed the disorientating lifelessness to the air, as if every bit of energy had been sucked out. Her ears felt as if they'd been stuffed with cotton. Only her breath was audible inside her head. She called out, and the effect was that of speaking into a pillow. The walls absorbed every reverberation, making the only perceivable vibrations those inside her head. Now the captain had departed, closing the padded door behind him. Rachel, Corky, and Tolland were seated in the center of the room at a small U-shaped table that stood on long metal stilts that descended through the mesh. On the table were affixed several gooseneck microphones, headphones, and a video console with a fish-eye camera on top. It looked like a mini-United Nations symposium. As someone who worked in the U.S. intelligence community-the world's foremost manufacturers of hard laser microphones, underwater parabolic eavesdroppers, and other hypersensitive listening devices-Rachel was well aware there were few places on earth where one could have a truly secure conversation. The dead room was apparently one of those places. The mics and headphones on the table enabled a face-to-face â€Å"conference call† in which people could speak freely, knowing the vibrations of their words could not escape the room. Their voices, upon entering the microphones, would be heavily encrypted for their long journey through the atmosphere. â€Å"Level check.† The voice materialized suddenly inside their headphones, causing Rachel, Tolland, and Corky to jump. â€Å"Do you read me, Ms. Sexton?† Rachel leaned into the microphone. â€Å"Yes. Thank you.† Whoever you are. â€Å"I have Director Pickering on the line for you. He's accepting AV. I am signing off now. You will have your data stream momentarily.† Rachel heard the line go dead. There was a distant whirr of static and then a rapid series of beeps and clicks in the headphones. With startling clarity, the video screen in front of them sprang to life, and Rachel saw Director Pickering in the NRO conference room. He was alone. His head snapped up and he looked into Rachel's eyes. She felt oddly relieved to see him. â€Å"Ms. Sexton,† he said, his expression perplexed and troubled. â€Å"What in the world is going on?† â€Å"The meteorite, sir,† Rachel said. â€Å"I think we may have a serious problem.† 71 Inside the Charlotte's dead room, Rachel Sexton introduced Michael Tolland and Corky Marlinson to Pickering. Then she took charge and launched into a quick account of the day's incredible chain of events. The NRO director sat motionless as he listened. Rachel told him about the bioluminescent plankton in the extraction pit, their journey onto the ice shelf and discovery of an insertion shaft beneath the meteorite, and finally of their sudden attack by a military team she suspected was Special Ops. William Pickering was known for his ability to listen to disturbing information without so much as flinching an eye, and yet his gaze grew more and more troubled with each progression in Rachel's story. She sensed disbelief and then rage when she talked about Norah Mangor's murder and their own near-death escape. Although Rachel wanted to voice her suspicions of the NASA administrator's involvement, she knew Pickering well enough not to point fingers without evidence. She gave Pickering the story as cold hard facts. When she was finished, Pickering did not respond for several seconds. â€Å"Ms. Sexton,† he finally said, â€Å"all of you†¦ † He moved his gaze to each of them. â€Å"If what you're saying is true, and I cannot imagine why three of you would lie about this, you are all very lucky to be alive.† They all nodded in silence. The President had called in four civilian scientists†¦ and two of them were now dead. Pickering heaved a disconsolate sigh, as if he had no idea what to say next. The events clearly made little sense. â€Å"Is there any way,† Pickering asked, â€Å"that this insertion shaft you're seeing in that GPR printout is a natural phenomenon?† Rachel shook her head. â€Å"It's too perfect.† She unfolded the soggy GPR printout and held it up in front of the camera. â€Å"Flawless.† Pickering studied the image, scowling in agreement. â€Å"Don't let that out of your hands.† â€Å"I called Marjorie Tench to warn her to stop the President,† Rachel said. â€Å"But she shut me down.† â€Å"I know. She told me.† Rachel looked up, stunned. â€Å"Marjorie Tench called you?† That was fast. â€Å"Just now. She's very concerned. She feels you are attempting some kind of stunt to discredit the President and NASA. Perhaps to help your father.† Rachel stood up. She waved the GPR printout and motioned to her two companions. â€Å"We were almost killed! Does this look like some kind of stunt? And why would I-â€Å" Pickering held up his hands. â€Å"Easy. What Ms. Tench failed to tell me was that there were three of you.† Rachel could not recall if Tench had even given her time to mention Corky and Tolland. â€Å"Nor did she tell me you had physical evidence,† Pickering said. â€Å"I was skeptical of her claims before I spoke to you, and now I am convinced she is mistaken. I do not doubt your claims. The question at this point is what it all means.† There was a long silence. William Pickering rarely looked confused, but he shook his head, seeming lost. â€Å"Let's assume for the moment that someone did insert this meteorite beneath the ice. That begs the obvious issue of why. If NASA has a meteorite with fossils in it, why would they, or anyone else for that matter, care where it is found?† â€Å"It appears,† Rachel said, â€Å"that the insertion was performed such that PODS would make the discovery, and the meteorite would appear to be a fragment from a known impact.† â€Å"The Jungersol Fall,† Corky prompted. â€Å"But of what value is the meteorite's association with a known impact?† Pickering demanded, sounding almost mad. â€Å"Aren't these fossils an astounding discovery anywhere and anytime? No matter what meteoritic event they are associated with?† All three nodded. Pickering hesitated, looking displeased. â€Å"Unless†¦ of course†¦ â€Å" Rachel saw the wheels turning behind the director's eyes. He had found the simplest explanation for placing the meteorite concurrent with the Jungersol strata, but the simplest explanation was also the most troubling. â€Å"Unless,† Pickering continued, â€Å"the careful placement was intended to lend credibility to totally false data.† He sighed, turning to Corky. â€Å"Dr. Marlinson, what is the possibility that this meteorite is a counterfeit.† â€Å"Counterfeit, sir?† â€Å"Yes. A fake. Manufactured.† â€Å"A fake meteorite?† Corky gave an awkward laugh. â€Å"Utterly impossible! That meteorite was examined by professionals. Myself included. Chemical scans, spectrograph, rubidium-strontium dating. It is unlike any kind of rock ever seen on earth. The meteorite is authentic. Any astrogeologist would agree.†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation Essay

Martin Luther was the most influential person of the 15th and 16th century the reason being he rebelled against the catholic church the highest authority in the world at that time. When Martin Luther went against the church he not only reformed Christianity but reformed every person in Europe into a thinking human being. So when looking at the most influential people of the time Martin Luther paved the path for all modern sciences. Martin Luther’s Ninety Five Theses showed obvious faults and corruption throughout the Catholic Church. When looking at Martin Luther’s ideals he showed that the Catholic Church had made up rules that could not be found in the bible. Due to this finding he led the Protestants into a more direct translation of the bible. One of his largest accomplishments was the translation of the bible into the German language. By translating the bible out of Latin and into German he placed the interpretation of the word of god into the hands of people who had been simply told god’s word from a Catholic stand point. By shining light on the problems of the Catholic Church Martin Luther created a wave of people with minds of their own. By giving people a reason and the power to think for themselves he lit the powder keg for the exit of the middle ages and entrance into the renaissance and the scientific revolution. And when looking at the scientific revolution one can speculate that if Martin Luther’s Protestant reformation had not taken place when it did the Catholic Church would most likely have crushed any new scientific ideas that did not conform to the teachings of the church. To prove that the speculation has weight one can look at how the Catholic Church employed major censorship of the Protestant teachings. Martin Luther was the most influential person of the 15th and 16th century because he shined light upon the power of the human mind. By empowering people he gifted the world with the spark that led to the scientific revolution and the split of the Catholic religion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Causal Analysis of the Arab Spring

Tunisian female municipal officer and her asides who confiscated the fruit and vegetables he was selling from a street stall and slapped his face in the process, set himself on fire and passed away a few days later. As an aftermath of this incident, a huge wave of protests over unemployment and social issues sparked out in Tunisia, forcing then-president  Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to step down from his position after 23 years in power. Following this event, activists and ordinary people started to head out onto streets in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and other Arab sub-regions and societies, demanding democracy, social justices, dignity, and freedom. Ultimately, an unprecedented  revolutionary wave  of nonviolent and violent  demonstrations,  protests, riots, and  civil wars known as Arab Spring, or many may call it Arab Awakening,  has spread across the entire  Arab World, overthrowing handfuls of tyrants and authoritarian regimes that, for decades, had been taking control over the area. Behind the actual uprisings were many and long gathering root causes. For decades, Arab people had faced repression of free speech, human rights abuses, economic mismanagement, corruption, and stifling of political dissent. Social justice and human dignity were also not respected in most countries. Furthermore, this area of 300 million people was producing an unprecedented youth population, with around two-thirds of the total population below 29 years of age. At the same time, this young generation was annoyed by 25 percent unemployment, frustrated by diminished dreams, motivated greater personal freedoms, and equipped with technological tools of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. In addition to that, international influences from Europe and the United States, actors who have long been desiring for the abundant energy supplies, trade and investment regional security in the region, also induced the event in the name of â€Å"promoting democracy. † Looking back to the causes of the Arab Spring, although Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation set fire to the revolution, the actual driving forces behind the revolt were primarily the development of social media and the internal social issues that have been smolderingly existing in the region for decades. First of all, it is important to mention that even before the happening of Bouazizi’s self-emulation, the Arab World has long been striving for political changes because of the mass unemployment and low living standards of educated class. Unlike most regions, unemployment rates in the SWANNA region are highest amongst the more educated youth. According to Imed Drine in his article â€Å"Youth Unemployment in the Arab World: What Do We know? What is the Way Forward? , published by the World Institude for Development Economics Research, youth unemployment rate in the region was about 25 percent, among the highest in the world. The situation is even worse for young women with an unemployment rate of about 40 percent. Compared to other global regions, the region has shown the highest rate of labour force increase over the last three decades; the unemployment rate for young age groups is 40 percent in some countries. In many Arab countries such as Tunisia and Egypt, it was very usual that university graduates were forced to drive taxis or sell grocery in open stalls to survive, and families with children struggled to provide food and education for their kids. On top of that, there were also drastic gaps between the income of the majority of the population and that of the top elite in most Arabic countries. â€Å"Egypt has had a massive income gap throughout Mubarak’s control, which is clearly the root cause of the original uprising. One half of Egyptians live on $2/day or less. The average per-capita income in the country is just $6,200 and 24% of young people in the Arab region cannot find jobs (source). In addition, in some Arab sub-regions, large budget deficits were pervasive mainly due to the unnecessary price subsidies on consumer products such as fuel that did not really help the poor but rather favored the affluent population. Other economic issues including poverty, rising food prices, and inflation have also been serious internal issues that eventually led to Arab revolution. According to two Russians researchers, A. Korotayev and J. Zinkina, in their analysis on Egyptian revolution, Egypt was also one of the most fast growing countries in the world in terms of food prices. This fact had undoubtedly played a role in undermining the Egyptian sociopolitical system. While half of the population survived only on $2 per a day or even less and had to face a huge price inflation, the upper class was flooded with abundant resources. Such gaps in income and social classes are obviously undesirable, if not dangerous, for the stability of a society as they create tensions and tear down the sense of unity in the population. They certainly set the stage for the uprising to occur, causing a small incident of Bouazizi to become a devastating social event like Arab Spring. Another internal problem that has made a great contribution to people’s discontent and rebellion was the corruption of Arab leaders and their aging dictatorship. The corruption was extremely widespread in Arab world, and economic hardships were unequally distributed. The political system only worked with and responded to the elites and large businesses in an attempt to accumulate enormous sums of money. Only a small minority of the country actually benefited from this corrupted regime, the rest suffered and was neglected. Nothing could have been done or approved without bribery to the Arab leaders and their relatives. In most cases, whether an investment deal would be closed or not depended on the bribing and one’s connections. Besides the corruption issue, the political system was destabilized due to incompetent and outmoded leaders. â€Å"By the end of the 20th century, most Arab dictatorships were utterly bankrupt both ideologically and morally. When the Arab Spring happened in 2011, Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak had been in power since 1980, Tunisia’s Ben Ali since 1987, while Muammar al-Qaddafi ruled over Libya for 42 years† (source). During the time of rising literacy and shrinking birthrate, instead of replacing the problematic leadership positions with younger, more educated, and innovative leaders, old and stagnant government was preserved, which eventually lead to the overall social and economic decline of the region. There is always the fear of being oppressed by the security services and the lack of political opportunities among the citizens. Although people remained passive and submitted to the repression of their rulers until the Arab revolution in 2011, needless to say, most of them highly doubted the legitimacy of the aging political systems and their leaders. Their discontent and feelings of injustice with the government was the platform of the revolt and later became the potential source of further social disruption and conflict. In addition to being a counter act to the aging dictatorship, Arab Spring was simultaneously a response to human rights violation. The political freedom of expression of people was limited and there was a shift in power o the police endorsed by the law. This law â€Å" . . . allow[ed] the state to detain individuals and censor and close newspapers more easily and allow[ed] authorities to try civilians in front of military and security courts under certain circumstances† (Sehata:2004). A regular citizen was oppressed, did not have a freedom of speech and was treated poorly by the secu rity services. Even an educated person, as is evident in the case of the graduate student Mohamed Bouazizi, had to endure the same ill-treatment and injustice. Furthermore, the uprising was also a reaction to sexual abuse and domestic violence of women and children. It attempted to bring equality, political, and social rights for disadvantaged groups, especially for women who were often considered the second-class citizens. Women were a driving force in the protests. â€Å"At the time of the revolution, we really observed that women of all social classes, including the lower class, were mobilized. Women stood in defiance of political regimes, and challenged their traditional exclusion from the public sphere† (Bertrand, The Voice of Russia). Women played a crucial role in this revolution since they were active participants who fought for their dignity, economic, political, social, and their children’s rights. Besides all the internal issues discussed above, it is important to mention that there were also other factors that have contributed to the spread of this phenomena such as the use social networks. A big part of this uprising is intrinsically associated with recent social media and changes in the global social climate. It is very important to take into consideration the fact that social events are more than just susceptible to the conditions of their external environments. The Arab Spring, thus, is not an exception. We are living in an information-age where people interact and exchange ideas at a much higher rate and wider range than ever. With the inventions of telecommunicational devices, the Internet, global social networks, etc. , it has become just a matter of a blink of an eye for a message to get to its targets. These technological advancements have also changed the way people commune and spend their time. People are becoming more and more inclined to communicate virtually rather than face-to-face. The number of internet users in both Tunisia and Egypt nearly doubled between 2008 and 2009. According the the CIA World Factbook, Egypt ranks 21st in the world in terms of the number of internet users; Tunisia, by contrast, ranks 60th. Though internet access may not be as strong as, say, in the United States, in these countries it is comparatively cheaper and it is safe to say that a great many people in these countries have internet access of some kind. Also, according to the latest research conducted by the Internet World Statistics, around 90 milion Arab people use the Internet on a day-to-day basis to either look up new information or stay connected with their friends. This number makes up to 40% of the total population. The same research also shows that out of these internet users, 20% are registered on Facebook. Taking other activities and social networks into consideration, the number would be many times that. As a consequence, these social and behavioral changes have brought about an environment extremely sensitive to word-of-mouth epidemics, and the Arab Spring is one of the benefactors. In countries like Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, rising action plans such as protests made up of thousands, have been organized through social media such Facebook and Twitter. â€Å"We use Facebook to schedule the protests,  Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world,† said one Arab activist. Activists were able to build extensive social networks and organized political action, thus, social media became a critical part of the toolkit for greater freedom. Furthermore, social networks have also broken the psychological barrier of fear by helping many people to connect and share information about the social uprising. It has given most people in the Arab world the knowledge that they are not alone, that there are others experiencing just as much brutality, just as much hardships, just as much lack of justice. There are numerous number of videos on YouTube where activists speak out their ideas and call for people reactions. According to Catherine O’Donnell a writer for the University of Washington in her article â€Å"New Study Quantifies Use of Social Media in Arab Spring†, â€Å"During the week before Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s resignation, for example, the total rate of tweets from Egypt — and around the world — about political change in that country ballooned from 2,300 a day to 230,000 a day. Videos featuring protest and political commentary went viral – the top 23 videos received nearly 5. 5 million views. The amount of content produced online by opposition groups, in Facebook and political blogs, increased dramatically. This enormous number not only indicates how popular the Arab Spring is but also implies how important social media are for the Arab Spring. Hussein Amin, professor of mass communications at the  American  University  in  Cairo  said that social networks for the first time provided activists with an opportunity to quickly disseminate information while bypassing government restrictions. † Nowadays, just as much easier for activists to reach their targeted audiences, so too it is for the audiences to learn about new ideas and social events, all thanks to the advents of technologies and the extra amount of time people spend on social networks. Despite all of the factors above, Arab Spring could have never happened if it was not for Bouazizi’s self-emulation. As mentioned above, there was always the fear of being oppressed by the security services. Before the happening of the incident, although the government did not respect people’s dignity, they remained passive and submitted to the repression of their rulers. Therefore, the bad social conditions in the Arab World and those influences from social media have only been the platform for Arab Spring to spark, and the precipitating cause that triggered the uprising is Bouazizi. His act symbolized the frustration and desperation of millions in the Arab world and sett into motion a series of revolutions across the Middle East and North Africa. His death has urged people across the region raise their voice, fight for their own rights, and come fearless of the goverment. His was a cry for dignity, justice, and opportunity, which continues to be heard around a region undergoing tumultuous change. His death has not taken people’s anger to a next level but also gathered people who face the same issues with the government together. Thanks to him, in todays Middle East, people have come to realized that they do matter. Thanks to him, people in the Middle East has learned to voice their concerns and fight for their rights. Many people are now engaged in what could be a life-long struggle to fight long-standing grievances and take greater control of their lives, all thanks to Bouazizi. His death is like that one extra salt crystal that makes a solid form out of a saturated solution; for decades people had been remaining passive and submit to their tyrants and the next second those aging dictators had to crumble just because of one incident. Nothing would have happened if Bouazizi had not reacted against oppression and a lack of espect. The revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt provides a keen example of how new media can be used to afford people political agency. The movement’s participants innovated with the technology to compose coordinated efforts, compose an identities (using the technologies affordances rather than its prescribed templates), compose quickly and deliberately, and compose messag es to change the materiality of where they live. Furthermore, this uprising also reminds people around the world that people do react to social injustice and ill-treatments from the government. It is also of utmost importance not only for the Arab people but also people from all over the world to honor the sacrifice of Bouazizi as he has initiated the revolution that has awakened people’s power and changed the way governments look at their people. Although we cannot tell whether Arab Spring will have fix those social issues in the Arab world and have a positive impact on the society or not, it is a firm confirmation that with today’s social media, people do and will respond to any kind of social justice.

Language investigation - investigating the difference in the language Essay

Language investigation - investigating the difference in the language used in boys and girls toys televison adverts - Essay Example For example, when language used in advertisements designed for boys reinforces concepts of strength and career or those designed for girls emphasize concepts of motherhood and housewife, gender roles are being reinforced for both the parent and the child. However, growing attention into the effects of violence in the media on young children and the development of the mind suggests that perhaps these strong gender roles used in toy advertisements are no longer employed as openly. In order to determine whether the language used in advertisements for children presents specific gender roles, six advertisements appearing during a particular mid-afternoon show on a children’s television network entitled Nickelodeon were analyzed in terms of lexis, semantics and phonology. While all of the advertisements are for toys and do function to appeal to the parent in some way, there remain significant differences in the types of toys marketed to boys versus girls as well as in the language u sed. In this analysis, lexis refers to the use of adjectives, common nouns, verbs and other specific words; semantics refers to the denotation, connotation and language change used; and phonology refers to the rhythm, alliteration and repetition of words. The analysis of these six advertisements in terms of lexis, semantics and phonology does indeed demonstrate traditional gender stereotypes and societal roles are being reinforced through today’s advertising. Advertisements for toys targeted to boys’ use include a great deal of competitive energy and expected momentum. For example, in an advertisement for Biker Mice, boys are encouraged to be strong, invincible fighting forces with nerves of steel based upon the specific words selected for the toy’s description. The name of the toy itself brings up connotations of frightening men (or rather creatures) on motorbikes. They are described as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Comparing bluetooth technology with infrared Essay

Comparing bluetooth technology with infrared - Essay Example Bluetooth exchanges information between devices through a globally unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) radio bands. It uses 2.4 GHz short range frequency of ISM. Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG) develop and license Bluetooth specifications. The SIG comprises of telecommunication, networking, computing and electronic companies (Newton, Harold). Bluetooth can transmit data between devices such as laptops, telephones, printers, digital cameras, mobile phones and video game consoles. It is a wireless protocol made for low power consumption and has short range which is based on low cost transceiver microchips in each device (Bluetooth SIG). The short ranges of Bluetooth are 1 meter, 10 meters and 100 meters and these ranges are power and class dependent. Class 1 of Bluetooth has a maximum permitted power of 100mW and approximate range of 100m; class 2 has a maximum permitted power of 2.5mW and approximate range of 10m; class 3 has a maximum permitted power of 1mW and approximate range of 1m (Newton, Harold). Bluetooth allows communication to be done among devices when they are in range. Because this system of communication uses radio waves, devices do not need to be in line of sight of each other for communication to take place. (Newton, Harold). In order for a device to be used by Bluetooth, it must be compatible with Bluetooth profiles. The most common use of Bluetooth includes wireless communication between handsets and mobile phones, wireless communication between computer input and output devices, file transfer between devices and OBEX, internet access of personal computers and communications in medical equipment. The technology of Bluetooth exists in many devices like Wi-Fi, telephones, and play stations and also in some high definition headsets and watches. This technology simplifies set up of services between devices. Devices with this technology can advertise all their services. It allows much of the security and permission configuration to be automated making its services easier for use as compared to other network types. A personal computer is required to have Bluetooth adapter in order to develop communication with other Bluetooth devices like mobile phones, keyboards and mice. Some laptops and personal computers have in built adapters while in others an external adapter is required. Through Bluetooth, multiple devices can communicate with a computer over one adapter. A Bluetooth enabled mobile phone allows it be communicated with many devices. The Open Mobile Terminal Platform has recently published a recommendation paper which recommends Bluetooth requirements in mobile phones which covers in car usage, printing and imaging. Bluetooth devices can transmit information like device names, list of services, device class and list of technical information on demand. Any Bluetooth device can undertake an inquiry to find other Bluetooth devices to connect to, and any Bluetooth device can usually respond to such inquires. However if a Bluetooth device that is trying to connect to another device knows the address of that other device than other devices always respond to the direct connection requests and transmit informat

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The definition of Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The definition of Intellectual Property - Essay Example Examples include licensing arrangements under which the licensee pays the licensor to exploit the right; the imposition of contractual obligations not to use or disclose information; or restrictive covenants which prohibit employees from establishing rival businesses within a specified period or geographical area. A more laconic definition of intellectual property suggests that 'it comprises all those things which emanate from the exercise of the human brain, such as ideas, inventions, poems, designs, micro computers and Mickey Mouse' (Phillips 2001, p.3). Intellectual property rights refer to the ability to own and protect the products of human intellect. These rights may have to be applied for and granted, or in some cases, such as with copyright, this arises automatically. Formally, there are four main types of intellectual property protection and these will be explained briefly below. Patents cover inventions of both new and improved products and processes. They are probably the most publicised and conventional form of protection. Patents are granted to cover new products and processes and in the United Kingdom last for up to 20 years. ... Patenting systems vary throughout the world and their jurisdiction is territorial. In the United Kingdom the patent is granted to the first applicant to file rather than to invent. The Intellectual Property Scenario in Europe The European Patent Organisation and the European Commission have been concerned that the above statistics imply that the innovative potential within Europe is not being adequately tapped. Patent offices across Europe frequently argue that the patent system is not being adequately used, leaving considerable numbers of potential innovations unprotected (Hofinger 1996, p.91-98). There is a different culture concerning patenting in Japan, where it is common to file a number of applications for a single invention. It may be argued that the difference in approaches to the use of the formal intellectual property systems, identified between nation states, is also one of the distinguishing features between small and large firms. Similarly, the relatively low use of the formal systems by small firms may also mean that a reliance on patent counts, etc. is an inaccurate measurement of innovation or research activity. Hence, there is a need to 'unpack' the approaches to innovation and intellectual property management by owner-managers. However, the perceived positive link between formal intellectual property protection and innovation is not without controversy. (Granstrand 1999, p. 13-16) Empirical and theoretical research has offered several arguments in favour of weaker intellectual property protection. One argument hinges on the negative effects of monopolistic behaviour that strong protection permits. Gilbert and Newbery (1982,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rodriguez Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rodriguez Assignment - Essay Example I noted that during the collection of relevant materials one needs to be careful because not all library material is credible. Some of the materials I received contained contradicting information and I thus needed to sort out and use those that contained accurate information. I acknowledge the importance of taking notes while completing an assignment. Taking notes is important because it guides the person completing an assignment to organize points in terms of their significance and relevance in answering the assignment question. After sorting out the points in order of their significance to the assignment it is important to formulate an outline that will assist in answering the questions in the assignment. Before making the final copy for marking, it is important to make a rough draft where changes can be made. In making the rough draft, Bean’s concepts of integrating ideas from various sources and readings come into play. One needs to read widely, recall the ideas from various sources and blend them to make one complete and quality assignment (Bean et al). I noted that completion of assignments requires adequate preparation time and should not be done in a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wikipedia Reflection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wikipedia Reflection - Research Paper Example However, my articles were not edited by my peers in class and those who did edit it were not from my class, while these edits were only minor in nature. Moreover, my attempts to offer Wikilove were not reciprocated after I chose a random person who edited the article but there was no reciprocation. Overall, my experience with Wikipedia was great, exciting, and interesting; although I came to the conclusion I may not do this again due to my lack of experience and the fact that it was too time-consuming. However, if I find something interesting with a poorly-done page or without a page, I may decide to do it again. My first experience after joining Wikipedia was that I was exposed to the rules and guidelines on the site, as well as its nature as a group effort. This experience supported Kraut et al (2011) claim that people are more willing to make contributions on online groups if they like the group. Indeed, although I enjoyed writing the article and posting it, I do not expect that I will do so again because I failed to increase the value of the outcomes for the group members, which reduced their willingness to take part in the group setting. I attempted to increase the commitment of my fellow classmates to my Wikipedia page by attempting to make my page interesting to increase their chances of liking the article. In addition, there was an attempt on my part to create a bond with some of those visiting the page by rewarding them. I tried to follow the rules and guidelines of Wikipedia as much as possible, such as those on naming articles and maintenance of articles (Ayers et al, 2012). I als o realized that editing Wikipedia has become more difficult over time compared to the first time I tried it. Kraut et al (2011) make a design claim that people are more likely and willing to make contributions in a group setting if others in the group are also contributing. On posting my article, I realized that the group consisting of my classmates was

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economic Policie for the Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coursework - 1

Economic Policie for the Monetary and Fiscal Policy - Coursework Example According to the paper losed economy is algebraically represented as Y = C(I,Y)+I(i)+G(t),while the LM curve is represented by L(i, Y) = Ms.When the Is curve is vertical the monetary policy tends to be most effective since the key parameters in this case include interest rate and income. In a closed economy, IS curve is the interest rate at which the commodity market is at equilibrium at a given income level. This can be expressed algebraically as Y = C + I + G, where Y is the equilibrium income is the level of consumption, I is the level of investment and G is the government expenditure. It is worth to note that consumption is a function of income while investment is a function of interest rate and government expenditure is a function of tax. Using the equation given above, Y = C + I + G, but C = 100 + 0.4(Y – T) and when this is substituted into the IS equation we obtain Y = 100 + 0.4(Y – T) + I + G, since I = 1000 + 0.1Y – 20i which when replaced to the equati on gives Y = 100 + 0.4(Y – T) + 1000 + 0.1Y – 20i + G,note that T= 300 finally the value of G = 100 which when replaced into the equation yield Y = 100 + 0.4(Y – 300) + 1000 + 0.1Y – 20i + 100. When this equation is simplified to give the IS curve we obtain 0.5Y = 1080-20i and the IS curve will be represented by the equation below; Y = 2160 – 40i. This stude highlights that LM curve is the interest rate at which the money market is in equilibrium at a given level of income. In this case Money demand equals money supply and this is algebraically presented as L (i, Y) = MS where L is the demand for money which is a function of income and interest rate, MS is money supply. Using the empirical figures given above, 5Y – 10i= 300 and this can be rearranged into 5Y=300+10i, this yields the LM curve of Y=60+ 2i. IS-LM curve can be attained where there is equilibrium in the commodity market and money market. Using the IS and LM equations and combining them we obtain i= 50 and Y = 160.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How to be a good parent Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to be a good parent - Annotated Bibliography Example Make a schedule of their children, so that they can become responsible and confident in their future. For example, you have to make a habit of your children to do breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and complete homework in time. Play time should also be managed by the parents. In this book, writer tells the readers the ten basic principles to be a good parent. For example, writer tells parents should not be too strict and lenient. Parents should behave well in front of children because children learn behaviors from parents. Parents should be involved in their children lives so that they can judge what changes are occurring in their lives such as involvement in their likable sports, schools and friends etc. Parents should make rules and tell the boundaries of limits to their children so they can become responsible and stable minded person in the future. Give them independence and respect to their decisions, so that they can become respected and confident person in the life. In this book, writer focused the young parents rather than the experienced parents. He focused the young parents, because they are inexperienced and they do not know the behaviors of children properly. It is taught that in certain age such as in between 2 to 16 years, children’s behaviors are same. Then young parents should have knowledge to tackle with their behaviors. Young parents are inexperienced and they cannot understand the changing which is taking place in their children and what are the reasons behind this. Then this book has provided the information to tackle with these changing of behaviors of children effectively. Kerr, M., & Stattin, H. (2000). What parents know how they know it, and several forms of adolescent adjustment: further support for a reinterpretation of monitoring. Developmental psychology, 36(3), 366. In this book, writer told that observation is the most important thing for the children’s development

Factor Analysis And Confirmatory Factor Analysis Essay Example for Free

Factor Analysis And Confirmatory Factor Analysis Essay Factor analysis is an arithmetical technique used to describe variability regarding observed variables with regard to lower number of unobserved variables. Factor analysis looks for such joint variations in response to unobserved hidden variables. The observed variables are molded as linear combinations of potential factors including the error terms. Information attained regarding interdependence between observed factors can later be utilized to reduce the set of variables within a dataset. Factor analysis originated in psychometrics and is applied in behavioral sciences operations research and applied sciences which deal with large quantities of data. In psychology, factor analysis is in most cases associated with intelligence search. Factor analysis has been used to search for factors within a broad range of spheres such as character, beliefs and attitudes. Factor analysis isolates the underlying variables that make clear the data. There are two types of factor analysis; principal factor analysis and common factor analysis. The factors generated by principal factor analysis are theoretical as being as liner combinations of variables whereas those generated by common factor analysis are theoretical latent variables. Computationally, the main difference is that the diagonal relationship matrix is substituted with common variables in common factor analysis. Factor analysis is performed through examining the pattern of connection between the observed variables. Variables which are highly related have a likelihood of being influenced by factors such as those which are moderately unrelated and have a more likelihood of being influenced by different factors. Principal component analysis is the most widespread factor analysis. Principal factor analysis seeks for a linear combination of measures in such a way that the maximum difference is extracted form the measures. It then removes the difference and search for a second liner a combination that explains the maximum proportion of the remaining variance. Conducting a Confirmatory Factor Analysis The main purpose of a Confirmatory Factor Analysis is to establish the ability of a prearranged variable model to fit within an observed set of data. Among the normal uses of Confirmatory Factor Analysis include; establishing the weight of a single factor representation compares the ability of two differing models to account for the same set of data, test the significance of particular factor loading, test the connection between two or more factor loadings and also to evaluate the convergent and discriminate strength of a set of measures. Conducting a Confirmatory Factor Analysis The six stages involved include; Describing the factor model which is the first thing required to be done accurately to define the model one wants to test. This involves choosing the number of factors and defining the nature of loadings between measures and factors. The loading can be fixed at zero or any other constant number or allowed to vary within specified constraints. Collect the measurements through measurement of variables on same experimental units. Obtain a correlation matrix by getting the correlation between each of the variables. Fit the model into data by selecting a method to obtain the estimates of factor loadings which were free to vary. The normal model-fitting method is the Maximum likelihood estimation that needs to be used unless the measures serious lack multivariate normality. In such a case one can use Asymptotically distribution free estimation. Evaluation of model adequacy s done when the factor model is fit the data, the factor loading are selected to minimize the difference between the correlation matrix implied by the model and the actual observed matrix. The amount of difference after the best parameters have been selected can be used as a measure as to how reliable the reproduction is with the data. The commonly used assessment of model adequacy is the X2 goodness of fit test. Null hypothesis for this test holds that the model sufficiency for the data, while the other is that there a significant level f differences. Regrettably, this test is highly sensitive to sample size since, tests used in testing large samples generally lead to a rejection of null hypothesis, even when factor model is suitable. Other statistics like the Tucker-Lewis index, compare the fitness of planned model to a null representation.   These statistics show less sensitivity to sample size. By comparing these two models with other model one can is able observe the difference between their X 2 statistics which is almost equal to X2 distribution. About al individual factor loading tests can be compared to reduced and full factor models.   In situations where there is no comparison of full and reduced models, use of Root mean square error of approximation is recommended which is n estimation of discrepancy per degree of freedom within the model. References DeCoster, J. (1998). Overview of Factor Analysis. Retrieved on August, 16, 2010 from

Monday, July 22, 2019

British Air Essay Example for Free

British Air Essay Strategy: In this context, strategy is to be taken as the nature and also the direction a company can take in light of the choices which are at its dispose. Therefore, from this definition of strategy, strategic responses can be inferred to mean the responses that an organization takes in achieving its strategies and hence strategic responses. Nature: refers to the very essence of the company, for instance BA is an airline and hence in the airline industry. Direction: refers to where the organization in question (BA) is headed and hence strategic responses. Pestle Analysis: It refers to a methodology whereby the macro environment is analysed. It will be used to analyze the political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental forces affecting the airline industry under which BA operates and to which this forces impacts on the strategic making of BA. Abstract The airline industry is in the service industry which experiences very volatile changes all over the world and hence companies have to keep up with the changes as well as plan for future changes and challenges in the service industry of airlines through strategic making. Strategy making is an important aspect in the organization in light of the organization succeeding in the environment it is operating in. Though the airline industry is changing like any other typical service industry, it does not mean that the airline industry can afford to lag behind or sleep in terms of making strategies suitable for the now markets tastes and the then (future) markets tastes. Therefore the paper critically reviews the corporate strategy of British Airways (BA), the company’s competitive strategies through critical appraisal of the company’s strategy, industry and company analysis. However, an overall industry analysis is undertaken before any analysis of the company’s strategy through analysis of a three dichotomies impact in the company and in the context of three paradoxes in the company and the perspectives which are applicable to the paradoxes. Industry Analysis Overview BA is a renowned airline in the UK and among the largest airlines in the world, facts which are derived from fleet size of the airline, the number of passengers carried and the number of international flights made by the airline. It was established in 1971 with the motives of gaining control of BOAC and BEA which was the then nationalized airlines alongside other two airlines, which were Cambrian Airways and the Northeast Airlines. The merger of the four companies that formed the presently BA airline was effected in 1974 and become a state owned company. However, the company was later privatized in 1987 and its expansion was gained through acquiring the British Caledonian together with Dan Air in 1992. BA is currently trading in the UK Market share as the largest airline in terms of the fleet size and boasts of being in 2nd position in terms of its market share (IATA 2012), trading under the name of International Airlines Group following a merger in 2011 with Iberia. In the global arena, the presence of BA is felt through the company being 5th largest airline in terms of the passengers who are flown using the BA airline (See; Figure 1, position of BA in the global arena). Current and Future Key Issues Affecting the Airline Industry In researching on the current and future key issues affecting the airline industry together with researching the trends and the competitive forces that are affecting the airline industry in the modern times, in light of BA strategy making and the influences that are to effect on BA, a pestle analysis, SWOT analysis and the Porter’s Five Force Analysis are the tools that are going to be utilised. However, for greater specificity, the focus of the pestle analysis is the European Airline Industry. Pestle Analysis Political Issues Having state owned airline, which are owned by governments and therefore enjoys government protection resulting to regulated competition. This classic example of government regulation of international air was seen in BA in the merger of British Caledonian together with Dan Air in 1992, to combat competition on long haul routes. Development of aviation policies which are politically generated, for instance, the Aviation policy in UK of increasing the capacity at Heathrow, which according to Civil Aviation Authority are only short term measures that would do Europe no good in terms of competing with other global competitors for instance USA, China and India. The idea is to have more capacity through building other airports (Reals n.d.). In UK, airlines’ belonging to another country are not allowed to operate within the route of another country (cabotage) and hence eliminates competition in the airline industry in the UK for there is no competition from the non – European countries. Increase in APD (Air Passenger Duty) by 8% for which all airlines have to comply and which can translate to less travels to the UK for ADP ultimately increases the cost of travels (BBC News 2012, 1st April). Airlines constrains in terms of adhering to government policies for instance the pledge by the UK government to reduce carbon emissions by 60% reflected in the UK Climate Change Bill. Economic Factors Severe crisis in world economics where financial systems have been destabilized and paralyzed and therefore needs to be restored to stability, otherwise translates to less travels by air. Stiff competition in the airline industry in the UK due to presence of competitors who even offer low fares flights. Competition was brought about by the deregulation of the Airline Industry in UK Socio – Cultural Factors UK’s ageing population which is approximated to rise over the years. Projections in UK’s populations estimates that there would be more elderly people than there are presently (see; Figure 2 and Figure 3 for the projections) Accessibility of airline travels by the lower social groups in the UK Technological Factors Development of cleaner engines in the aviation industry which means that airlines like BA have to adopt the new technologies and also in light of the pledges in support of government’s policies to reduce carbon emissions. New operating procedures which can be as a result of sudden changes in weather patterns The use of Bio – fuel by the airline industry is the various developments in the world of technology that the airline industry has to deal with. Environmental Factors Development of environmental policies for instance the UK Climate Change Bill Health scares which mostly are as a result of the changes in climate and weather patterns for instance earth quakes and bird flues. Emissions policy in the UK, for instance the move to have airlines charged for their share of green house gas contribution on flights that are to and fro Europe. Legal Factors Open sky agreement ending the protection of national carriers and introducing completion in the airline industry. EU regulatory changes; for instance the increased call for better care of the customer US regulatory changes; for instance the ban on liquids and gels past the screening checkpoints affects the customers of air transport mode who may be in possession of such goods (liquids and gels). BA’s SWOT Analysis Strengths A Strong Brand Global appeal Established Fleet Operations Latest fleets that provide the calm to its customers Innovativeness in the development of products and services by the company Strong analytical and marketing skilfulness Weaknesses The organization’s culture (the â€Å"us† culture) Decline in operations efficiency Unhealthy financial performance Lack of provision of competitive customer packages Poor marketing strategies that are to reinforce competitiveness of the company to the standard of its competitors Opportunities Global tourism, which continues to increase due to globalization Technological advancements in the airline industry UK’s ageing population Corporation tax reductions Threats Competition from low fares airlines (e.g. British Airways Low Cost Airline {BALOW}) Increase in ADP by 8% Oil price volatility Increase in regulatory conditions and laws which are varying Substitute means of transport like electric trains and buses The ever changing customer behaviour which is hard to predict Porter’s Five Force Analysis Porter’s Five Forces study is important in order to check whether BA’s proposed strategies are to become profitable to the organization (Porter 2008). Diagram illustrating a simplified 5 Forces Model By Micheal Porter; adopted from, Analysis distinct to BA as provided below: Degree of Rivarly BA operates both the small and the long flights BA is different in policies and terms with their competitors in the airline industry Other companies like Virgin Atlantic criticisms of some of BA’s strategies for instance the merger of BA with AA and thus disregarding the company’s strategies to its customers. Threat of Entry Competitors are discouraged from entering the market by; Existing firms in the airline industry having a competitive advantage Changing new technlogy Transformed government policies Threats of Substitutes Internal substitutes include;busses, cars, electric trains External substitutes include; international airlines like EasyJet and Virgin Atlantic Buyer Power Availmability of the internet to consumers increases the consumer’s conciousness and exposes the consumers to BA competitors. Supplier Power Supplier’s makes use of trade unions to have a high bargaining power Market characterised by suppliers having a high power BA has only two supply manufacturers of its aircrafts and a sole fuel supplier The Paradox of Markets versus Resources The airline industry being a very volatile industry has to survive through tough financial times, for instance economic recessions. In light of all the changes that occur in the airline industry, an organization has to continuously adapt to the environment in which it is operating in. In light of BA’s environment, i.e. the service industry, it is paramount that the organization’s strategic thinkers acknowledge that imitation of what other companies are doing in the market may not always produce the same results and hence BA needs to constantly study the market to identify the asymmetries that keeps emerging in the service industry and hence develop the asymmetries to capabilities for the organization. This therefore proposes that the organization has to keep in touch with the market for instance through continuous research and development of the organization’s products and services and in light of the company’s strategy of becoming an airline of choice to customers of long and short haul premium. BA differentiation from its competitors is seen through continuous research and development of the industry which can be inferred through the analysis of the SWOT, PESTLE and the Porters Five Forces tool, continuous improvements of the company’s products and services to its customers for instance through maintaining the organization’s networks in the long, short and cargo segments. In addition, BA as a front-line in the airline industry has an advantage over its competitors due to its long presence in the industry which dates to the years where it was a state owned airline. This clearly shows that in adopting some strategies for instance the acquisition of Iberia, BA tries to make its presence felt in the global arena. In addition, the organization resources allows the organization to apply the inside out logic as compared to its competitors who may not have a good command of resources at their dispose and therefore making BA have a competitive advantage. The inside out logic follows that for a firm to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors, it must have the capability of converting the processes of production in a quick and cheap way and which BA has exhibited and continues to exhibit through its various acquisitions of other airlines and through mergers formed with other airlines. BA’s strategy that is consistent with achieving its strategy of being an airline of choice to customers of long and short haul premium is through acquisition of other airlines so that all customers are within in its reach enabled through the mergers and the acquisitions. While the theories of completive advantage suggest that for an organization to gain competitive advantage, the organization must establish a cost effective way of attaining its strategies. This means that the company’s operational costs are lowered and this leads to the company having a competitive advantage over its competitors. Therefore, BA’s strategy of mergers and acquisitions is geared or leans towards the company having a global presence in the world and hence appealing to its customers and reduction of operational costs. The reality of the environment that the organization operates in is realised through the SWOT, PESTLE and analysis of Porters five force (Fine 2009). In as much as an organization has to adapt to the environment for instance through continuous development of services and products to meet the ever changing needs of the consumer, the resources that are at the dispose of an organization in light to adapting to the current trends, tastes and preferences of the consumers in the industry can indicate otherwise. A company’s resources refers to the tangible and the intangible resources for instance land, money and materials which are tangible while the intangible resources include the rational resources for instance the relationships and reputation and the competencies which include the knowledge and capabilities. One of BA’s strategies is becoming an airline of choice to customers of long haul premium and which is counter acted by strategies for instance through continuous research and development in order to identify the tastes and the preferences of the customers, continuous improvements in products, services and networks and through maintaining its presence in the long, short and cargo segments. However, these strategic responses are evaluated against a background of whether the market needs of the consumers are the once to guide the strategy making process of the firm or the firm is the one to leverage the strategies that BA is to take owing to the fact that whether there are adequate resources to respond to the needs of the markets so identified through the research and development process in order for BA to attain its strategy of becoming the airline of choice to customers of the premium long haul (Clegg, Kornberger Pitsis 2008). BA’s markets versus Resources The strategic responses put forth by BA illustrates its commitment towards attaining it strategy of becoming an airline of choice to customers of premium long haul which is achieved through BA building a terminal which increased the operations of the airline. In addition, BA also appeals to customers through transforming the customer’s service in that the customer service exceeds punctuality and hence customers are more satisfied which represents the rational resources of the company. BA has also continued to grow in order to meet at the crossroads with the needs of the customers through launching of routes from London to St Kitts, launch of the open skies and also flights from continental Europe to countries in North America. In addition, BA also made L’Avion and started to fly from London to NY JKF. The expansion is made in the efforts of BA coordinating its efforts to have a more international perspective that is cable of meeting the demands of the customers. BA Plc (2010), recognises that there are 5574 BA resources oversees and approximately 35, 920 in the UK. However, greater specificity is to be achieved through coordinating the resources and market availability (Schneider, Gunnarson Niles-Jolly 1994). BA’s commitment to the needs of the customers is seen through the purchases of aircrafts which are modern which are also in the effort of appealing to customers. Other ways through which BA appeals to its customers is through being corporate responsible through its commitment in reducing carbon emissions (Johnson, Scholes, Whittington 2008). Therefore BA is driven by the outside – in logic other than the inside – out logic for the balance between the company’s resources and the markets availability will always indicate a different shift where the company strategies are more bound towards meeting the demands of the market and hence the outside – in logic prevails. The Paradox of globalization versus localization Globalization is a strategy that is being adopted by international corporations in order for them to gain a competitive advantage over competitors. Strategic tensions that a company for instance BA has to face in light of globalization revolves around the concept of globalization that is to be adopted in light of achieving strategic goals. For instance, one of BA’s strategy is to increase its global presence with the strategic tensions in attaining this objective being whether global is to be taken in the terms of a worldwide scope that is to refer to the geographic presence of BA in the world, worldwide similarity of the BA’s products for instance, using the word global to refer to the homogeneity of BA’s products around the world or whether globalization (Thompson, Strickland Stappenbech 1994) would be in the context of the integration of the operations of BA, that is linking the world as a system through its services (See Figure 5 for illustrations of the dim ensions of globalization). A different tension lies in whether BA is to respect the differences that exist between markets defined by national boundaries which can be done through designing products and services that meet the needs of customers in different countries. The paradox of globalization and localization is a challenge that BA has to address in light of its strategy of having a global presence with questions ranging on how the company can address the globalization synergies and at the same time remain relevant in addressing the local synergies. BA’s Globalization and Localization To begin with, one of the ways through which BA’s strategy of global presence is achieved is through the strategic response of having a global connectivity for all the customers and this is achieved through BA establishing tier in most of the major cities in the world or through expansion which is gained through BA partnering with other airlines for instance the low fares airlines or through mergers for instance the merger of BA with Iberia, code sharing with Kingfisher carrier in India (in 2010) and the recent acquisition of BMI from Lufthansa in 2012. In addition, BA is one of the largest airlines in the UK a position that the company has gained through having a large fleet size, flies to over 300 destinations in the world and has shareholdings in BA city Flyer, Comair, Flybe, Open Skies, AIG, ICCR and BMI. In addition, the global presence of BA is felt through BA being the 5th largest airline by scheduled passengers. Without much further ado, the paradox of globalization versus localization for BA is congruent with the dichotomy of whether BA develops a business model distinctively different from its competitors or whether industry logic is the one that largely determines the firm’s strategy. In analysis, the drivers of globalization are market drivers, government drivers and competitor’s drivers which have less to do with BA developing a business model that is distinct from its competitors. As a major airline in UK, BA enjoys economies of scale and understands that it must have the oligopoly characteristics where firms operating in an oligopoly market cannot act independently on their own (De Wit Meyer 2010) and hence disputing the fact that BA can develop a business model distinct from its competitors (Porter 1985). Owing to the drivers that make a firm to be globalised, BA’s strategies are interdependent with its competitors. For instance, deregulation brought new agreements for example the EU – US Open Skies agreement in 2008 which brought a shift to competition in Transatlantic Routes and as a result the US Carrier Deltas, US Airways and the Continental started operations at Heathrow in 2009. Therefore, it is less convincing to claim that BA develops a business model distinct to it for clear facts exists to establish the claim that it does not act independently of its competitors and one of the ways it does so is through the strategy of having a global presence in response of what its competitors are achieving (the operations of other airlines which are taking advantage of deregulation to coin agreements and operate in other countries) (Roth Ricks 1994). The paradox of Responsiveness and Synergy This paradox brings into focus a company’s dilemma of how to respond to the competition in the industry and whether the company can match the demands of the market and at the same time maintain the responsiveness of the business. In order to have synergies in an organization there is need for a company to unify the different activities carried out in the organization which in some instances may make a company lose its business responsiveness. For a company to attain synergies and at the same time attain responsiveness (Mintzberg, Quinn Ghoshal 2002), the organization must draw out clearly its corporate scope for instances of how many businesses the company should have, corporate distribution, for instance the weight that is to be placed on each business unit in the organization, integrated mechanisms for instance of how the synergies in the company’s business should be achieved and the management mechanisms that ensures that the synergies so developed are a reality to the company. The meeting point of a business responsiveness and the synergies so created, results to the paradox of responsiveness versus synergy. Business demands presents a business to forces that pull it apart while the synergies pull s the company into an integrated whole. BA’s Responsiveness versus Synergy One of BA’s strategies is to meet the ever changing needs of the consumer for instance meeting the needs of the ageing population which requires the company to provide more value to the products offered to this market segment, reinforce the company’s brand, development of new products and also through enhancing customer loyalty (Mintzberg Ahlstrand 1998). For the company to achieve the above strategy through the strategic responses discussed above, there is need to coordinate the various units of the organization into a functional whole whereby units so entrusted with the development of new products, researching on upcoming market trends are an integrated whole of the organization and hence the synergies. For instance, the finance department of the organization needs to avail funds to the research and development of the organization so that proper research on upcoming trends is conducted effectively. This principle is consistent with making the parts an integrated part of the whole for the whole to function as one unit, that is the organization (Raynor 2005). The paradox of responsiveness and synergy can be best achieved when the management and the leadership style demonstrates control or managed chaos. In a controlled leadership, a company attains responsiveness (Porter 1996) and at the same time attains synergies because the management of the organization is organized in such a way that the different businesses or the department in the organization are headed by leaders who have the same goals. In a leadership where there is chaos, the synergies and the business responsiveness losses focus for the management is not organised to attain the responsiveness and the synergies (Mintzberg Ahlstrand 1998). . Conclusion In light of the volatility of the airline industry, the strategies that BA has put in place are best achieved when the paradoxes of globalization versus localization, markets versus resources and responsiveness versus synergies are analysed in the context of the dichotomies applicable to paradoxes. In so doing, BA will not only maintain its current position as being the best airliner in the UK, but also attain competitive advantage over other airliners who are its competitors and also potential entrants (McGahan Porter 1997). Bibliographies Reals, K. n.d., UK will Suffer Unless Long – Term Aviation Policy is developed: CAA. Retrieved from;, Retrieved on 28th May, 2012. De Wit, B. Meyer, R. 2010, Strategy Process, Content, Context. New York; Cengage Learning. 4th Ed. Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. Pitsis, T. 2008, Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. New York; Sage Publications. Fine, L. 2009, The Swot Analysis: Using your Strength to Overcome Weaknesses, Using Opportunities to Overcome Threats. New York; CreateSpace Publishers. Mintzberg, H. B. Ahlstrand, J. L., 1998, Strategy Safari, New York; Free Press. Schneider, B., Gunnarson, S.K., Niles-Jolly, K. 1994, Creating the climate and culture of success. Organizational Dynamics, 23(1), 17-29 Roth, K. Ricks, D. A. 1994, â€Å"Goal Configuration in a Global Industry Context.† Strategic Management Journal; 15, 103 – 120 Porter, M. E. 1996, â€Å"What is Strategy?† Harvard Business Review. pp. 61 – 78. Porter, M. E. 1985, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York; Free Press.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages Abstract: Compromised machines are one of the key security threats on the Internet. They are often used to launch various security attacks such as spamming and spreading malware [15]. Given that spamming provides a key economic incentive for attackers to recruit a large number of compromised machines, we focus on the detection of the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, commonly known as spam zombies [12]. Introduction: As the use of internet increased in the era of science and technology the problem of spam has also been increased. There are multiple ways in which spam takes place we would like to discuss the spam that is passed through messages specifically through emails. When these spam mails are passed into the system these makes the system compromised and the data in the network can be stolen or lost these kind of spamming is more concern to the industry or any kind of organization where privacy is the key aspect in this competitive world. Spam: Spam can be defined as Simple Pointless Annoying Messages. According to US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spam is defined as, any commercial electronic mail message sent, often in bulk, to a consumer without the consumers prior request or consent [1]. A recent study conducted by SMX an email security provider the percentage of spam is about 80% approx. And the average size of these spam messages in 16 Kb [2]. The results above indicate the seriousness of the problem. There are several techniques proposed and employed in filtering these spam messages such as Machine learning techniques like Neural networks(NN), Support Vector Machines(SVM), Naive Bayes Classifier. Some techniques are based on probability and others on architectural. According to Anil Kumar Gupta along with two others in his research paper stated that training SVM is easy compared to NN because NN takes more time to train than SVM and NN will not offer binary classification mechanism where has SVM does that technique t o verify the legitimate of the email [2]. Rafiqul Islam in his research proposed an architecture for spam filtering based on support vector machine [3].   T. Hamsapriya along with three others in 2014 proposed Filtered Bayesian Learning technique to increase the performance of the naÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes classifier. These all techniques have contributed in controlling spam to very much extent [4]. Spam Zombies: A machine is said to be compromised if it is successfully exploited by the attacker. These machines are used to launch various attacks in the network. These compromised machines are called zombies. The machine is made compromised when an attacker sends a spam mail to the targeted system and made a zombie [5]. Spam in Messages: Todays communication mostly happening through messages that are sent electronically through email or text messages in mobile. Our main concentration is confined to messages that are going out through a network and coming into the network that are emails. Body message based spam detection is employed in larger servers but in a research conducted by Shukor Bin Abdul Razak in 2013 showed that the feature can be manipulated and has several issues such as Manipulation of lexical patterns, efficiency, future trends. So he proposed an email header technique that has a potential in filtering spam efficiently [6]. In 2015 Wazir Zada Khan along with three others stated that the detection criterion for web spam is substantially different, so, the email spam coming from botnets cannot be handled by the web spam detection techniques. Then they proposed architecture for email spam botnet detection [7]. Algorithm:  ­Ã‚ ­SPOT detection algorithm is used to detect spammers. Before proposing SPOT detection techniques there are few works which happened in detecting spam zombies. S. Yuvaraj in 2013 came up with a four module system which consists of compose mail process, Filter spam detect, IP capture, Extraction of payloads and payload disassembly and this algorithm is called has semantic aware statistical algorithm (SAS) [8]. But this algorithm fails to catch spammers but detects spam zombies. The research also proposed algorithms in the field of botnet which is usually called a group of computers affected with malware and controlled without the notice of administrator. To control these botnets issues Guofei Gu from Georgia institute of technology came up with bot hunter based on correlation between inbound and outbound communication. This system also uses intrusion detection system(IDS) to find out the compromised machines in the network [9]. Later in 2008 again Guofei Gu along with Wank Lee p roposed another technique called botsniffer in which he extended his research in detecting compromised servers depending on the behavioral similarity in a single group of connected computers [10]. After all these works with different techniques people came up with standard algorithm called SPOT applied in detecting spam zombies which functions by monitoring outgoing messages in the network. Z. Duzan in 2009 proposed an algorithm using Sequential Probability Ratio Test(SPRT) depending on the mathematical value of the SPRT the email is as spam or not spam [11]. But he ignored the impact of dynamic IP address on the data which is considered for analysis. His research is as limitations since the algorithm is based on probability analysis and the messages arrived assumed to independent of each other but this may not be the practical scenario. Spam filters are used to detect the spam emails but these filters are not 100 percent efficient. Later in 2012 Pen cheng along with Z.Duzan modifie d his algorithm they introduced two more terms   called count threshold   and percentage threshold to calculate the impact of dynamic IP address[12]. In continuation to the work of Z. Duzan, Ar. Arunachalam along with his two students in 2013 added two more modules and applied Z. Durzan techniques in calculating the impact of dynamic IP address to entire system by adding user interface module and spam zombie detection module where he has reset the values of the captured spam emails continuously [13]. Similar work has been done by R.Vasanth Kumar and K. Ravi Kumar in 2013 they modified the existing algorithm using the IP address of the sending machine and introducing a new term called message index[14].   Parvathi Bhadre and Deepthi Gothawal in 2014 proposed a new method using SPOT detection algorithm consisting of four modules namely virus checks, Spam Checks and Spam filter, blocking of spammers using SPOT and Recovery [15]. But their research does not talk any thing about the impact spam mails generated using dynamic IP address. In 2015 Anupsingh Thakur and Prof.Praful Sambhare conducted a survey on spamming and detection control through various methods like SVM, Domain key integrated mail system(DKIMS) and SPOT detection system defined how SPOT is accurate in detecting Spams [16]. Conclusion: Brief review on spam, spam zombies, spam in messages, algorithm used and the previous works done are explained. We in our project intending to come up with improved algorithm that could effectively tackle the limitations of the previous works. References: D. C. Washington, Unsolicited commercial e-mail before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION of the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2013. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. A. G. Kakade, P. K. Kharat, and Anil Kumar Gupta, Spam filtering techniques and MapReduce with SVM: A study, 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), vol. 14666087, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2014. R. I. M, W. Zhou, and M. U. Choudhury, Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Filtering Using Support Vector Machine, 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), vol. 9864217, Jul. 2007. H. T, L. S. P, K. R. D, and R. C. M, SPAM CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SUPERVISED LEARNING USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, vol. 02, no. 04, pp. 457-462, Dec. 2011. A. Rajagopal and A. P. P, SPOT- e-mail Spam zombie detection system, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 664-669, Jan. 2012. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. S. Bin Abd Razak and A. F. Bin Mohamad, Identification of spam email based on information from email header, 2013 13th International Conference on Intellient Systems Design and Applications, pp. 347-353, Oct. 2014. W. Z. Khan, M. K. Khan, F. T. Bin Muhaya, M. Y. Aalsalem, and H.-C. Chao, A comprehensive study of Email Spam Botnet detection, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2271-2295, Jul. 2015. Y. M. S. S., An effective defense against compromised machines by sas worm detection, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, pp. 33-37, 2013. G. Gu, P. Porras, V. Yegneswaran, M. Fong, and W. Lee, BotHunter: Detecting Malware Infection Through IDS-Driven Dialog Correlation, 16th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 167-182, 2007. G. Gu, W. Lee, and J. Zhang, Botsniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic, Proceedings of The 15th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2008), Feb. 2008. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. Barker, Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2009. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. M. Barker, Detecting Spam zombies by monitoring outgoing messages, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 198-210, Mar. 2012. A. Ar, V. V, and Y. V, Detecting Spam Zombies Using Spot Tool by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 400-402, Apr. 2013. V. kumar R and R. K. K, Recognizing Spam Zombies by Monitoring leaving Messages, International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 3213-3216, Nov. 2013. P. Bhadre and D. Gothawal, Detection and blocking of spammers using SPOT detection algorithm, 2014 First International Conference on Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), pp. 97-101, Aug. 2014. A. Thakur and P. Sambhare, Spamming and Detection Control: A Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN EMERGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 155-157, May 2015.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis Essay -- essays research papers

A Geopolitical View on the Cuban Missile Crisis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the course of the twentieth century, the United States has made some crucial decisions in regard to foreign policy. When the President of the United States looks to his advisors and policymakers to decide what course of action to take, he must weigh all of the different variables. One of the most important variables that influence foreign policy decision making is the geopolitical view. A geopolitical variable takes into account a country's geography and physical terrain and how that relates to certain foreign policymaking decisions. In the early 1960's, President Kennedy's decision to institute a naval blockade around Cuba was carefully made with full knowledge of the geopolitical variables. Throughout the Cuban Missile Crisis, the geopolitical variables greatly influenced President Kennedy's decision to institute the naval blockade which eventually ended the Crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cold War was one of the most difficult times for foreign policymakers in the United States. In September of 1962, the Soviet Union began deploying medium-range nuclear missiles to Cuba. The strategic plan of the Nikita Khrushchev was to have Soviet nuclear missile sites ninety miles off the coast of the United States to serve as military threat. When a United States U-2 spy plane brought back photographs of these missile sites in Cuba on October 15, 1962, U.S. military leaders acted immediately....

fetal alcohol syndrome :: essays research papers

Fetal alcohol Syndrome What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation in the U.S. today. FAS affects approximately 1 in every 500 born in North America. Motherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy causes FAS. FAS is characterized by: à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Smaller heads à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Deformed facial features (small widely spaced eyes, underdeveloped jaw, thin upper lip, and short upturned nose). à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Abnormal joints and limbs- these include deformities of the small joints of the hands as well as an incomplete rotation at the elbow. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Poor coordination à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Problems with learning- difficulty sequencing, difficulty understanding cause and effect, and weak generalizing skills. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Short memories à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Medical problems- vision problems, hearing problems, epilepsy, renal failure, heart failure, and death. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Inappropriate behavior- poor impulse control and poor judgement. How FAS Affects Functioning In School:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beginning with infancy, the children have problems at feeding and are highly irritable. They also exhibit unpredictable sleeping and eating patterns, which make it hard for the baby to be cared for and for maternal bonding to occur. During development, both physical and mental, FAS children have very fine and poor motor coordination skills and it becomes very apparent at the preschool age. They also are very affectionate but at the same time very hyperactive, which makes it a problem for the teachers who have them in class to deal with. This is why they are, during the first few years of school, given the diagnoses of having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): this diagnoses is given because of there high activity level, short attention span, and poor short term memory. Many of these children require special education help regardless of the fact that their IQ falls between the normal range. Their hyperactivity calls for them to receive special attenti on that normal teachers cannot and at most times will not give them. As FAS children grow into FAS adults, their level of development and how they developed begins to show in everything they do. Since their social and mental health has been compromised as adults they exhibit inadequate communication skills, impulsivity, poor judgement, trouble with abstract thinking, and limited problem solving skills. With all these problems they often have difficulty holding down a job because of their unreliability, lack of social skills, and functional illiteracy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Without appropriate support services, these individuals have a high risk of developing secondary disabilities such as mental illness, getting into trouble with the law, abusing alcohol and other drugs, and unwanted pregnancies.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Christmas, Retailers, And The Santa Claus Conspiracy :: essays research papers

Christmas, Retailers, and the Santa Claus Conspiracy Well it looks like it's that time of year again, when colourful lights are hung on trees, families spend time together, and retailers swim naked through their money. You guessed it, I'm talking about Christmas, one of the many holidays that have lost their meaning to commercialization. Forget the memory of Jesus Christ, now's the time to pay homage to the almighty buck. Nowadays when someone thinks of Christmas or Easter the idea of Christianity is one of the last to come into their mind (although I don't think it could have been made much easier -- "Christ"ianity, "Christ"mas -- what kind of minds are we dealing with?). It's far more likely that their first thoughts will be about buying the perfect gifts, having the most eye-damaging house decorations on the block, or having a hairy old fat man in red underwear arrested for putting their child on his lap and whispering to them to tell him what they "really" want (strangely enough there are some parents out there who actually pay money each year to have this abuse inflicted upon their children). The whole idea of Santa Claus is one of the scariest I've come across and yet we embrace it. The entire story sounds like something you should threaten your kid with if he doesn't want to eat his veggies. As I understand it he's supposed to be a fat man wearing red underwear who is capable of sliding down your chimney unharmed in order to quietly slip into your house while you're sleeping. If he really existed I'd be sitting up with a loaded shotgun every Christmas Eve, not dreaming of gifts while this lunatic could be slicing the throats of everyone in my house! And to add to the horror he is said to use "elves" to manufacture "toys" in a little "workshop" in the North Pole. This entire elf story sounds like a softening cover-up fed to us as propaganda. The truth of the matter is there's a Mafia hitman out there named Santa the Claw who runs a sweatshop using illegal child labour to manufacture products in a remote location where he can't be easily apprehended; or so that's what my skills of deductive reasoning tell me. So why the cover-up? Simple. The retailers, businessmen, and all the other bad people are all in on it since they realized long ago the amount of money they could make by marketing the "Santa Claus" idea. So like everything about the holiday, it reverts to money.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Does emerging energy technology have the potential to provide power for the entire Tanzanian population affordably?

our site – CUSTOM ESSAY WRITING – DISSERTATION EXAMPLES Abstract This study proposes to examine the role of emerging energy technology and policy innovation and how this impacts developing economies. Employing Brazil as an example, this research identifies and assesses opportunities for the expansion of sustainable energy and policy for the nation of Tanzania. The value of this study rests in studying the link between energy innovation, organisational culture and increased capacity. 1 Introduction1.1 BackgroundThe identification and application of emerging energy technology is at the forefront of national economic growth (Timilsina, 2012). Many studies illustrate the contention that innovation and organisational culture awareness can enhance economic prosperity, thereby increasing the adoption of valuable technology, leading to a better standard of living for many populations in emerging nations (Barry et al, 2011). This research rests on the hypothesis that emerging nations that adopt emerging technology and policy opportunities have the potential to increase national use and underlying standards of living. Assessing both the cultural expectations and the energy industry opportunities provided in Brazil, this research determines if performance in Tanzania should be boosted by an industry and leadership that aligns cultural policy with the objectives of the energy market to accomplish national goals.1.2 Aims & ObjectivesThe objective of this study: Determine the viability of emerging technology and energy policy to provide power and a better standard of living for the Tanzanian population. In order to accomplish this objective a case study based on the more developed nation of Brazil will provide real world demonstration of the strengths and detriments of the innovative energy policy approach.1.3 Research QuestionsThe research questions are as follows: What is the relation of emerging energy technology to Organisational Culture How are innovative energy processes facilitated by Organisational Culture How does a culturally innovative energy strategy impact a nation How does Organisational learning and energy innovation enable an industry to respond to Tanzania’s requirements Is innovation necessary to sustain access to emerging market opportunities 2 Literature Review2.1 Energy InnovationEnergy innovation is defined as the introduction of new methods or products into a market or policy setting (Ahlborg et al, 2014). This suggests that new technology can have an impact on an existing energy market such as Tanzania.2.2 Organisational CulturePractices, policies and priorities that are held by a society are directly responsible for the acquisition and application of innovative policy and technology (Hall et al, 2011).With this evidence, there is a clear suggestion of a link between cultural perception and technological adoption.2 .3 Implementation and Assessment of Innovative ImpactOne of the primary drivers of organisational structure is positive production and progress during implementation (Christensen, 2005).Assessing the efforts over time using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions as a cultural tool and the STEEPLE instrument to assess industry options provides a well-rounded illustration of impact. 3 Methodology3.1 ApproachBoth deductive and inductive avenues were reviewed; with the decision that the best method for this research will be the Interpretivism or the Qualitative approach (Cresswell, 2011). Secondary research based on a case study of Brazil evaluated using Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions to evaluate societal influences alongside the STEEPLE industry analysis thereby providing the working infrastructure evidence. This strategy will be adopted for this study so that existing data can be effectively accumulated and analysed.3.2 Research StrategyQualitative, Interpretative research methods will be used so that the literature can provide a wider analysis of the subject matter. This form of research will provide a solid foundation for well-balanced study.3.3 Data Collection Instruments and MethodsThe resources that will be used include text books, journal articles, online databases, government reports and applicable websites. 5 References Ahlborg, H. and Hammar, L. (2014). Drivers and barriers to rural electrification in Tanzania and Mozambique–Grid-extension, off-grid, and renewable energy technologies. Renewable Energy, 61, pp.117–124. Barry, M., Steyn, H. and Brent, A. (2011). Selection of renewable energy technologies for Africa: Eight case studies in Rwanda, Tanzania and Malawi. Renewable energy, 36(11), pp.2845–2852. Christensen, C. (2005). The innovator’s dilemma. 1st ed. New York: HarperCollins. Friebe, C., von Flotow, P. and T†aube, F. (2014). Exploring technology diffusion in emerging markets–the role of public policy for wind energy. Energy Policy, 70, pp.217–226. Hall, J., Matos, S., Silvestre, B. and Martin, M. (2011). Managing technological and social uncertainties of innovation: the evolution of Brazilian energy and agriculture.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(7), pp.1147–1157. Strauss, S., Rupp, S. and Love, T. (2013). Cultures of energy. 1st ed. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Timilsina, G., Kurdgelashvili, L. and Narbel, P. (2012). Solar energy: Markets, economics and policies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), pp.449–465.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The New Normal Challenges Societal Issues

Ryan stump spud is kn sustain for his superpower to keep things interesting, and in his saucy situation comedy The spic-and-span Normal he has non f in wholeen hapless on that expectations. In this series Bryan and David, a happy man mate nourishment in L. A. with unspoilt crafts, await to confound e realthing except for the genius thing they penury most, a pincer. The couple hires Goldie, a young m separate who had depend commensurate left her grownerous husband in Ohio and ran a means to L. A. with lady friend, Shania, to start e reallywhere and blockade her old lifespan, to be a substitute mother for them.Jane, Goldies conservative and overly bigoted grandmother, follows them against her granddaughters wishes, causing an uproar in Goldies new life in the metropolis because she is so disproving of Goldies decision to be a surrogate and Bryan and Davids lifestyle. with stunned delay after standard atmosphereing in phra try of 2012, the guide was criticized tremendously. The hoi polloi of the broadcasting interlock in Salt Lake City, universal period were so rack upended by the line of battle that they went on to ban the order from their visual aspect epoch schedule. NBC Utah affiliate KSL-TV, the network which illegalise the install from airing in Utah, says that the enter was inappropriate on several dimensions. They went on to say that the duologue was excessively rude(a) and crude and the scenes were too explicit and the book of factsizations callm offensive. KSL-TV a akin insist that it challenges traditionalistic family determine and portrays bad role models. The strike the rise experienced from attempting to air in Utah was non the only trouble the interpret had endured. In July, before the fate aired, atomic number 53 Million Moms publicly announced that they would be boycotting the constitute for organism h laceful to our society, accusatory the dialogue of being too offensive.Many members of the r isible fraternity as well as claimed to be boycotting the specify for portraying offensive stereotypes of homosexuals. I moldiness admit that I sack try out how the dialogue waits excessively crude and offensive. For drill, in the pilot al unrivalled Jane uses the offensive phrases lively peacocks, ass campers, Jewed move intoe the cost, and salami smokers. Its easy to realise how people could bear away her bigoted words offensively. Its transp atomic number 18nt from her first scene in the show that her disadvantages argon very overzealous and over the top besides that is precisely the presage.Nana seems as a nasty, hateful woman who has a potty mouth that any genius with a modeling conscience would not necessitate to replicate. Jane is utilise to show a societal business in the States today. A give-and-take of her behavior through the show should be of interest to more than in force(p) the fans and critics. beyond these limited audiences, Nana is relevant t o everyone in the States because her bigotry was used by Ryan potato to display a nasty puzzle in our nation today. Her prejudice towards everyone that surrounds her is a mockery of more an(prenominal) bigoted minds of the Statesns.Indeed, it does seem excessive, scarcely Murphy wanted to guard sure the point of how offensive and scathe this behavior is was clear. spell I see how this crass behavior and crude dialogue is inappropriate for children, the show is a pretty late night sitcom with a target audience of adults. As adults who get to experienced shows with far worse dialogues such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Jersey Shore, we should be able to stomach the harmless dialogue of The clean Normal especially when in that location is such an authorized point behind it. Shows kindred Jersey Shore arent refused to air because of their horrible dialogues because of the Statesns get laid for their trash TV.I hope that point shows that the puzzle with this show is unfeignedly just bigotry towards comical couples having children not the dialogue, which is Murphys entire point of making this show. Its not just virtually entertaining television, its about making a stance on the problematic issue in America of bigotry and prejudice. The complaints given to show that it challenges family value seems to stem from the fact that it isnt a traditional nuclear family that is headed by a man and woman. Many happen to confound a major issue with lively couples creating a family. However, the show proves that the couple holds family values.Firstly and most all important(p)ly they know and show how very over untold they will love and provide for their child. They also show galore(postnominal) other important family values and attri scarcees. For example Bryan shows what a striking father he will be and the confidence he will bestow in his child in the certify consequence Sofas pickaxe when he talks to Shania because shes having trouble fitting in at her new direct. Shania says Those kids dont get me at all Bryan replies When I was in school no one got me either. This might be hard to believe Shania but I didnt unendingly fit in like I do now.I always felt different just like you Shania shouts Bryan Im a creep and I dont want to be. I just want to be recipe. Bryan matter-of-factly says Thats a stupid short sided wish. Bryan then(prenominal) moves to the couch to sit beside Shania and puts his arm around her comfortingly and says You dont know this yet, but the most odd parts of you are also the ones that calculate you to bigness. Shania says How come you get me but my own mom doesnt? Bryan says Your mom may not completely get you, but she lets you be who you are and she loves you for it, and thats what annoys her a keen mom.Dont be mysophobic to be who you are, Shania because youre spectacular. This shows how supportive and problem solving he can be as a dad but also shows that he thinks it is very important for children to be accepted and loved no matter who they are and that they know its wonderful to be the mortal they are no matter what anyone else says. In the episode Stay-at-home Dad David and Bryan square off to send out Goldie on a spa vacation and request to babysit Shania eon she is gone because they want to experience and prepare for being go on at home dads.While Goldie is gone David takes off condemnation from his very important job as a doctor to stir up early to make her eat and study before taking her to school. This is an example of how he will be a responsible dad who will agree the job he loves to take business concern of his kid. These are the family values and concern you essential go through for your children in order to be heavy(p) parents, and while David and Bryan dont have everything about parenting figured out ,because no one does before having children, they have the mindset, love, and values that can potentially make extensive parent s.While the show does show round unexpected characters and a family with an unusual self-propelling it is in no way miss great role models. While the adult characters in no way insufficiency their fair share of dysfunction they are also great role models for America and for the young girl in the show Shania. The excerpt from the beginning of the previous divide is also a great example of how Bryan is an exceptional role model for Shania. Goldie while often times seems to act on a whim is a great role model.In the same episode Bryan and David decide that they want Goldie and Shania to live in their meretricious guest house instead of their unstylish little house. Goldie turns the house down because she didnt earn it and she wants to be a victorious independent woman to give her daughter a great example so that one day she can snuff it one as well. The most confrontational adult in the show is Nana, Jane. While her bigotry is repulsive she does not lack other admirable quali ties.Despite her overzealous prejudice that seems to constantly be spewing from her mouth, she is a difficult independent woman and a great grandmother. When Goldie and Shania run away to California, Nana follows them and decides to stay purge though she is disproving of Goldies decision and Bryan and Davids lifestyle because she cannot stand the thought of not being on that point to spend time with and protect her family. Nana also raised Goldie from eighter divisions old when her daughter firm she didnt want to and ran away. She also housed Goldie and Shania up until they ran away to California.All of those attributes are wonderful to have, but the most important is that she has always been there for her family no matter what. Which Goldie admits in the episode The Para- parvenue Normal, the Halloween episode, after an argument theyve had about Goldie moving back to Ohio. Goldie says God Nana, sometimes you make me so crazy, you know that? The things you say. Nana replies I am what I am, Im not about to change now. Goldie recedes Well, then I guess I fill to remember that. When I saw you trick-or-treating tonight, the way you were with Shania.It made me think. You are the one person who has always been there for me. The only one actually. Goldie goes on to remember when her Nana took her trick-or-treating every year when she was young because her mother wasnt there. I like to think that Im a good mom, Nana, but I didnt learn that from my mom. I larn it from you. Thank you for always being there for us. Nana responds Well, I couldnt just pull out you. Well of course you could have, but you didnt. And yet now that Im all grown up with people and choices that you dont understand lock. ou close up havent left. It may have taken Goldie a immense time to realize it but her Nana is a great role model for her and in some(prenominal) of the same ways is for America. Even the child in this show is a great role model because she learns to be knight ly of who she is with the help of the adults around her and doesnt try to hide her quirky ways which is a great thing to show America, because no one should ever be disgraced of who they are. Many people see The newborn Normals message to be that the new normal of families in America will be led by a mirthful couple.This however, is a misunderstanding. The New Normals message is that no matter how untraditional a family is it is still a family with the same amount of love and values as traditional families. In the pilot this was made clear by giving examples of many other untraditional families. It showed a midget woman who unite a man of normal whirligig and had a daughter who was 6 age old and almost taller than her mother, a atomic number 53 mom of two twin toddlers who was much older than most new mothers in fact, she looks old enough to be their grandmother.They tied(p) go as far to follow examples from pop culture today such as Barack Obama and Mariah Carey, who were both raised by what Bryan refers to as half-rican American Grandmothers. When the show says affected in the new normal it is not to say that families led by gay couples in the only new normal but that none of these untraditional families should be seen as anything less than the bonny traditional family. The New Normal defies stereotypes in many different ways. Although the show does show one of the gay men as a very effeminate male, Bryan.Which is why I can understand why many people in the gay community show offense as they see this as portrayal of a conventional gay men. However Bryans character is meant to portray the writer of The New Normal, Ryan Murphy. I think the character is important to show that effeminate males do exists and to show Ryan Murphys side of things and how the bigotry of others has affected him. Murphy saw it was important to show his own personal experiences in the show which is why he decided to require a character based on himself.It is not as if the s how portrays all gay men to be effeminate. Bryans partner, David, is a gay man who is the average guys guy with no interest in fashion, and the many other favored interest of his partner, the stereotypical gay man. David is a doctor who loves to watch football and play sports. While the show does show someone who does fit a stereotype, Davids character defies said stereotype because he is a gay man who this prejudice doesnt apply to. The show also defies the common stereotype that all low-spirited people are content with being bottom feeders of society.Rocky, Bryans assistant, is a very accomplished black woman with very high aspirations and goals. She has come a long way from where she grew up in an broken home to become an assistant for a producer of a very renowned TV show. She is an example of a much empowered black woman who has worked very hard to be successful. Though The New Normal is just a TV show, it provides a lens through which we can examine the societal problems o f bigotry and prejudice. Indeed, many problems such as the way people throughout the show treat David and Bryan as if they are less than their equal in the show can be seen in real life.For example, many people in America today have shown their upbraiding of homosexuals by not only denying them word sense and marriage equality but by going as far as committing hate crimes against them. But the prejudice in the show and in real life doesnt stop there it is direct at anyone who is different by race, sexuality, living conditions, and plenty of others thing. The point of this show is to show people that we are all mankind with flaws and great qualities and that everyone should be treated equally. We do live in the land of the innocent(p) after all.